Taiki Dimas (Admin)
Pray for the World is a web page to help Christians to pray for the world. Prayer is essential for the advancement of God’s kingdom in this world and the way through which God supplies all our needs.
With this prayer watch we want to engage Christians from all walks of life to come to the throne of God day and night, interceding for the many needs of people all over the world.
How to use this website
1. Register
We need some information for administrative purposes. Make sure you first register and save your username and password in a safe place.
2. Book a prayer slot
Reserve one or more 15 min prayer slots.
As soon as you have booked a prayer slot, you will receive an e-mail to confirm the date and time that you have booked.
One day before the date that you have booked, you will receive another e-mail as a reminder
You will also receive a short text message as a reminder.
3. Pray
Go to the prayer section. A new prayer point will appear every 40 seconds for you to focus on. These prayer pointers will change on a regular basis.
NB: Even if you have not booked a specific prayer slot, you can simply visit the web page and spend some time in prayer. However we strongly recommend that you book a slot. In doing so you make a definite commitment to spend your selected time slot praying for the current requests.